There are eight separate drought index values per year, every year, for each drought index, and only one value per year for the corn yield data. My problem is that I have no idea how JMP is processing the drought data. Click on the red down arrow next to Percent, select Display Option, then Horizontal Layout: You should see the following: Click once again on the red arrow next to Percent, select Histogram Options, then Count Axis: You should see the following: You can also add relative frequency to the y-axis. Both are smooth curves and visually line up and seem to have a relationship.

I built two side-by-side graphs in JMP, with one showing corn yield data over the 30 year period and the other showing drought data from one particular index over the same time period. The corn yield data contains one number (bushels/acre) for every year from 1981 to 2011. The drought data contains monthly drought index values for March-September for every year from 1981 to 2011.

In the histogram in Figure 1, the bars show the count of values in each range. Select a data set and use the check box to assign it to the right axis. STAT 3090PROJECTONEFALL2019axis allows you to make a variety of changes to that axis. Then, double-click on any data point to open the Format Graph dialog. (10 points) If you are using theGraph Builderfunction in JMP. Use the roll-down menu to select a right Y axis format. The vertical axis shows how many points in your data have values in the specified range for the bar. Double-click on either axis to open the Format Axes dialog and go to the Right Y axis tab. I have drought data for seven different indeces and each index ranges from -6 (severe drought) to +6 (extremely high precipitation). The horizontal axis shows your data values, where each bar includes a range of values. I am using JMP to find a relationship between drought index values and yearly corn yields for a 30 year period.